![]() Public Domain by James Gillray
| A device has been developed which produces some electricity from the flow in the stomach, stimulating the vagus nerve. This makes the brain assume after a few bites that the stomach is full. In experiments with rats these lost almost 40 percent of their weight. The small device works without batteries and can be easily implanted. It may offer an effective way against obesity. |
![]() | A small robot has been built that can climb pretty much like a gecko using electroadhesive foot pads. It may one day be used to inspect and repair machinery which is difficult to reach. |
![]() Public Domain by Datune
| In order to protect the unique species on the Galapagos islands, fireworks have been banned. The authorities follow a campaign that started in 2017. |
![]() | The BBC asked for advice on how to lead a healthy life. Some tips were: to focus on the mind, to adopt a dog, to get enough veg and fruit, to smile a lot, and to get enough sleep. |
![]() | Scientists managed to levitate several objects simultaneously using sound waves and use this as acoustic tweezers. This could lead in the long run to medical procedures in which the surgeon does not touch the patient - such as stitching up internal injuries. |
![]() | In experiments with mice, scientists have found two therapies that slow down the progression of leukemia by stabalizing a key protein responsible for the illness. There is a chance that this will result in a therapy for human patients with leukemia. |
![]() Public Domain by Kelson
| M82589933 is the 51st Mersenne prime number and the biggest prime number currently known. It is 282.589.933-1 and has written down almost 25 million digits. |
![]() Public Domain by CDC (Don Stalons)
| Using a novel way, scientists managed to synthesize two new antibiotics which have promise to fight bacteria hard to handle in any other way such as MRSA. |
![]() Public Domain by Victor M. Vicente Selvas
| Lutein is an antioxidant that helps reducing atherosclerosis, linked to a risk of myocardial infarction and has other positive effects on the health. In new research it has been established that lutein intake from spinach is maximized if the spinach is not cooked but consumed in salads or in smoothies, for instance. |
![]() | Statins are a powerful medication to lower blood fat levels and are an important part of a medication for people who had a heart attack or a stroke. They are more effective if combined with a Mediterranean diet consisting of fruit, vegetables, cereals, olive oil, and fish with some wine in moderation. |
![]() Public Domain by Svetlana Miljkovic
| In experiments with rats it has been shown that a bandage that generates an electric field can strongly reduce the healing time for skin wounds. |
![]() Public Domain by johnteslade
| It has been known that exercising can reduce the blood pressure. It has now been found that it may be as effective as drugs in lowering high blood pressure. More studies are needed. |
![]() | The EU has come to an agreement to phase out single use plastic such as cutlery, plates, straws, and drink stirrers. Plastic bottles have to be collected to 90 percent by 2025. |
![]() Public Domain by William Blake
| Babies in painful situation can have the pain reduced by being gently stroked. This has been found out by monitoring the brain activities of 32 babies. It is a gentle method without bad side-effects. |
![]() | Most nations are willing to take action against global warning. The hope that the nations of the world take action against climate change is still alive after 196 states agreed on the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Katowice to come up with a common rule book. |
![]() Public Domain by Svetlana Miljkovic
| A new adhesive has been developed that can make taking off plastic bandages much less painful. The adhesive material is quite strong and sticks even to wet surfaces. It is built using two components which separate under some form of ultraviolet light. This way it can be easily detached under this light. |
![]() Public Domain by Erwin Rossen, Eindhoven University of Technology
| By reversing a technique called expansion microscopy, which allows to observe very small objects with standard light by expanding the objects, it has now been achieved to build objects at nanoscale by shrinking them. |
![]() Public Domain by Lafayette Photo
| Culture trips such as going to the cinema or the theatre not only help to heal depressions in people over 50, but also help to prevent it in the first place a new study has found. |
Public Domain by Mysid
| It has been known for a while that exercises are good for building up bone mass. Now it has been understood that in mice this is due to particular hormones that trigger the build-up of bone mass and that are linked to exercising. |
![]() | There is a connection between what we eat and the health of the brain. It has been known for a while that too high a salt consumption has a bad impact on the health in general and increases the risk of a stroke. Now it has been found that there seems to be a more immediate relationship between gut and brain. |
![]() Public Domain by NASA
| Coral reefs are under threat from global warming. In a study it has been found that corals that survived a heatwave seem to be more resistant to future heatwaves. This gives hope that the coral reefs can adapt to changing temperatures. |
![]() Public Domain by Cecil Fox (National Cancer Institue)
| A spray has been developed that shows promise to reduce the risk of a cancer regrowing after surgery. Up to now it has been tested on mice and more research is needed. |
![]() © Ildar Sagdejev (Specious) [CC BY-SA 3.0]
| In a study it has been found that people who live in a leafy neighbourhood have lower levels of stress and have as a consequence a lower risk of cardiovascular problems. |
![]() © image by Ute Frevert; false color by Margaret Shear [CC BY2.5]
| A new drug against malaria has been developed. This is important since the malaria parasite develops a resistance against traditional drugs and they also attack the parasite at a later stage im the cycle. The new attacks the malaria parasite at a much earlier stage, which means that it can be effective before the patient feels very ill. |
![]() Public Domain by Johannes Sobotta
| People use different approaches to memorize things better, for instance, when they revise for an examination. In a study it has been found now that drawing is better for memorization than writing. |
![]() Public Domain by Erwin Rossen, Eindhoven University of Technology
| A new nano-particle based approach to distribute drugs to support the build-up of cartilage in damaged joints has been developed. The drug can be injected, coats the cartilage, and the penetrates it. |
![]() © OCHA [CC BY 3.0]
| In Kathmandu, Nepal, volunteers have produced a map of the Dead Sea, using 100,000 used plastic bags in order to raise awareness that plastic bags cause big problems for our oceans. |
![]() Public Domain by Tuohirulla
| In lake Luonteri in East Finland, Stone Age paintings were found. One of them shows a right hand painted in red. |
![]() | Health workers test people in Namibia and work with the infected and their partners. They have managed that a high percentage of infected people know about their infection, that a high percentage of infected people take antiviral drugs and that a high percentage of people who are taken antiviral drugs have an undetectable level of HIV. Namibia is on a good way of winning the fight against HIV. |
![]() Public Domain by International Diabetes Federation
| In a trial patients who had recently developed diabetes type 2 had to follow for three months a very low calorie diet with only 800 calories per day. In almost half of patients this was sufficient for the patients to go into remission. More studies are needed to see whether this can be repeated on a bigger scale. |
![]() | A system has been developed that informs farmers in Africa by a mobile phone app on potential problems with pests. The information is mainly gathered by satellites. It is hoped that the yields of participating farms can be increased by up to 20 percent this way. |