Lutein in Spinach


Lutein is an antioxidant that helps reducing atherosclerosis, linked to a risk of myocardial infarction and has other positive effects on the health. In new research it has been established that lutein intake from spinach is maximized if the spinach is not cooked but consumed in salads or in smoothies, for instance.

News seen at: ScienceDaily - Mind & Brain

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  1. Weight
  2. Sticky
  3. Ban
  4. Healthy
  5. Levitation
  6. Leukemia
  7. Prime
  8. Antibiotics
  9. Spinach
  10. Statins
  11. Healing
  12. Exercise
  13. Plastic
  14. Gentle
  15. Hope
  16. Adhesive
  17. Nano
  18. Trips
  19. Bones
  20. Gut
  21. Hope
  22. Spray
  23. Green
  24. Malaria
  25. Memory
  26. Cartilage
  27. Plastic
  28. Art
  29. HIV
  30. Diabetes
  31. Farming
