Cities Cut Carbon Emissions


There is a network of currently 96 cities that coordinate their efforts to cut CO2 emissions. 27 cities such as Warsaw, Barcelona, and Sydney managed to decrease the amount of the climate gas emitted. Important steps are reducing waste, providing cleaner and better public transport, and reducing the energy comsumption in buildings.

News seen at: BBC - Science & Environment

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  1. AIDS
  2. Catalyst
  3. Vitamin
  4. Good
  5. Award
  6. Spine
  7. Cooperation
  8. Plastic
  9. Trees
  10. Old
  11. Robot
  12. Forgiveness
  13. Carbon
  14. Cool
  15. Diet
  16. Bacteria
  17. Roller Coaster
  18. Painting
  19. Ear
  20. Altruism
  21. Fat
  22. Blood
  23. Rights
  24. Sahara
  25. Generosity
  26. Leukemia
  27. Tortoise
  28. Diet
  29. Ice
  30. AI
