![]() © Isofoton.es [CC BY 3.0]
| A third of the electricity in Hawaii comes from solar power and now it has set a target that this is increased to 100% by 2045. |
![]() Public Domain by NASA
| Australia has earmarked half a billion Australian dollars for the protection of the Great Barrier Reef. The fund will be used to improve the water quality, mainly by reducing the pesticides that end up in the sea. The measure is taken to protect the corals in the sea. |
![]() Public Domain by Johannes Sobotta
| In a summary five simple approaches to boost our intelligence are suggested: get motivated, practice, eat well and exercise, sleep well, and get outside. |
![]() © Bilby [CC BY 3.0]
| The EU has decided to outlaw the use of certain neonicotinoid insecticides for outdoor uses in order to protect bees. Although there are other threats to bees it is an important step towards saving the different species of bees. Bees and other insects are very important for biodiversity and also for our food production. |
![]() Public Domain by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
| In a study it has been found that young children are typically as fit as endurance athletes. Their muscles have a remarkable capability to resist fatigue and to recover quickly. |
![]() © Taheri-Kadkhoda et al. [CC BY 2.0]
| A new treatment used against brain tumours has been made more effective. In the approach a probe warms up the tissue to 60oC so that the cancer cells are destroyed. The problem is to monitor the process so that the microwaves are administered for long enough destroying all and only cancer cells as far as possible. A new real time imaging method makes now this monitoring possible. |
![]() Public Domain by Henry Vandyke Carter
| Prostate cancer is a common cancer in men, but hard to detect early. There are methods but they have deficiencies. A new ultrasound method measures the stiffness of the prostate by evaluating the waves that go through the prostate. A healthy prostate is typically less stiff than one with cancer. The study involved around 200 patients and 89% of cancers could be detected. |
![]() Public Domain by Cecil Fox (National Cancer Institue)
| Early detection is important to improve survival rates for cancer. Researchers have built now an indicator that can be implanted into the skin and develops a mole if calcium levels in the body are increased, which is an indication for common cancer types such as prostate, lung, colon, and breast cancer. |
![]() | In tests with a group of 60-79 old healthy persons it has been found that taking the antioxidant co-enzyme Q10 improves the condition of the blood vessels with an effect that the blood vessels look 15 to 20 years younger. |
![]() Public Domain by Ingolfson
| We all have heard that plant can improve the indoor climate. In a new study it has been confirmed that they offer a cost-effective way to clean the air indoors. |
![]() Public Domain by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
| In Baja California, Mexico, four kangaroo rats have been sighted after the animal was not seen in 30 years and was feared to be lost. |
![]() © AlexanderAlUS
[CC BY-SA 3.0]
| Researchers have succeeded in building thin layers of graphene using a roll-to-roll method that allows to form it to a length of 10 metres at a rate of 5 centimetres per minute. This way the graphene can be used to build filters, for instance. |
![]() | The plastic rubbish we produce is increasingly a problem, also in the world's oceans. Scientists have now engineered an enzyme that can digest the most commonly used plastics. This may provide a potential solution to the problem. |
![]() Public Domain by Vincent Clifton
| The International Maritime Organization, an organization of the U.N., has agreed to a resolution to reduce emissions by at least half by 2050 compared to the 2008 levels. Although the resolution is non-binding it is seen as a step towards a binding agreement. |
![]() | Danish king Harald Bluetooth reigned in the 10th century. At some point he had to flee and did so probably via the northern German island of Rügen. Now a 13 year old boy has found a silver treasure there consisting of brooches, rings, and around 600 coins. |
![]() | Farming algae may contribute in two ways to improve the two major problems we face, firstly the algae may be used to produce food, and secondly they can reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. |
![]() Public Domain by Cecil Fox (National Cancer Institue)
| A new personalized vaccine has been tried out. It is built from a patient's immune cells and tumour cells. In the study the approach has been tried with 25 patients with an advanced form of ovarian cancer; in half of the patients, there was after the vaccination a big increase of T-cells and all those patients survived for a 2-year period compared to only 25% for the others. |
![]() © Darekk2
| It has been known that exercises are beneficial for our mental capabilities. In experiments, it has been found that it can also have a positive effect on the learning ability of the offsprings of male mice. It is assumed that this is due to epigenetics, that is, to RNA molecules contained in sperm which contain information that goes beyond the paternal DNA. It is not known yet whether the findings translate to humans. |
![]() Public Domain by N.N. (Wikipedia)
| Important internet protocols in cryptography depend on the unpredictability of random numbers. However, traditional computers can produce only pseudo-random numbers. A new method based on quantum mechanics and photons has been developed which can produce true random numbers, that is, numbers that cannot be predicted. |
![]() Public Domain by Thomas Woolner
| The problem of administrating drugs to the inner ear is that there are fluids that easily wash the drugs away. A new approach has been developed that may allow to apply drugs so that they stay put and help restoring cells. In the long run this could provide a new treatment for repairing damaged cells in the inner ear and restore the hearing of some patients. |
![]() Public Domain by Johannes Sobotta
| By an implant to the brain of a paralyzed man, scientists have managed to induce sensations of touch and movement in his hand and arm. This may lead in the long run to a therapy for paralysis. |
![]() | The amount of plastic in the waters around the UK has dropped by around 30% partly due to the introduction of a 5p levy per bag in the UK. |
![]() Public Domain by L. Shyamal
| A protein has been discovered in the eyes of some birds that seems to enable them to use the Earth's magnetic field to orientate themselves. This adds to the knowledge how birds navigate using their internal magnetic compass. |
![]() Public Domain by CDC (Don Stalons)
| A new class of antibiotics is being developed from worms that colonize insects for food. These new antibiotics may be useful for the treatment of drug-resistant infections. |
![]() Public Domain by Johannes Sobotta
| There was an assumption that brain cells can be generated only in the brain of young people. However, new research shows that healthy old men and women can form new brain cells just as young people. |
![]() Public Domain by René Descartes
| In tests it has been established that attention can be improved by meditation training. The study showed that the effects can be seen even seven years on. |
![]() © Patrick J. Lynch [CC BY 2.5]
| Scientists have created bioengineered human adult heart cells. These can be used for instance for drug testing. |
![]() | A new treatment has been developed to treat lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the most common form of cancers and responsible for a quarter of all cancer deaths. The treatment consists of a combination of two drugs. In animal experiments, it seems to be much more efficient than the treatment by only one of the drugs in the majority of lung cancers. It works by blocking two proteins important for the survival of the cancer. The treatment has fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy as well. |
![]() © Anuwar ali hazarika [CC BY-SA 4.0]
| In a census in the Kaziranga National Park in India it has been found that the number of one-horned rhinos is with 2413 up by 12 compared to 2015. This shows that conservation can be successful. |
![]() Public Domain by Erwin Rossen, Eindhoven University of Technology
| Powder can be used for insulation. If the nano-particles in the powder are chaotic and of different sizes then the insulation is much better than if they are regular and of same size. |